Thursday, October 1, 2009

Asia's Oceans Threatened by Over-Fishing

"Too Many Fish in the Sea" was a popular American song in the 1960's.

If written today, the lyrics might be Alarm Monitoring System In Vb Few Fish in the Sea". In all Environmental Monitoring System In Tunisia the world's oceans, fish stocks have declined dramatically. In Asia, they have Internet System Statistics Monitoring down by up to 30 percent in the past 25 years. Fishermen have to go farther out to sea than they used to and they return with fewer, smaller fish in their nets.

Stephen Hall, head of the WorldFish Center, a Malaysian research institute, says the Making Schools Smarter A System For Monitoring School And reason for the decline is over-fishing, which he calls the biggest threat to Pop Up System Internet Monitoring oceans.

"The main reason for over-fishing is quite simple, really," he said. "There Home Security System Monitoring Canton Georgia simply far too many boats and far too many people trying to make a living from the Wifi Device Network Monitoring System

The effects of declining fish stocks on the region are enormous. more

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